The North Shore Women’s Rugby Football Club is excited to be holding its Eighth Annual Silent Auction on March 24, 2018 at 7pm at the Village Tavern in Salem. This auction is the largest fundraising event for the club. Last year, donations helped us raise over $3,500 for our club, enabling us to pay team, field, and referee costs and allowing us to keep our team affordable and accessible for our players.
Since 2004, NSWR has grown from a struggling Division III team to a fierce Division II competitor, earning a spot in our division’s playoffs last season. Based out of Lynn, we recruit locally, partnering with Endicott College, Salem State University, and other colleges and universities in the area. We exhibit a spirit of camaraderie, focus, determination, and sportsmanship.
Being a financially stable club allows us to continue to promote women’s athletics in general and rugby in particular. We rely on your support to keep growing as a team and remain a positive presence in the community.
STAY TUNED! More info. on the auction night itself to come! What can you bid on, 50/50 raffle info., etc.